Annual Meeting 2007
Park Hyatt, Toronto, Ontario
January 4, 2007
Executive Committee: John Baldovin, Mary Alice Piil, Kathleen Harmon
1) Kathleen Harmon called the group to order
a) offered John Baldovin’s regrets (elected to his provincial chapter, and unable to attend)
b) led us in an opening prayer [same as recited at Vatican II];
c) introduced Bishop Donald Trautman;
2) Presentation by Bishop Trautman on the prophetic role of the liturgist
a) presentation to be published in Liturgical Ministries
b) Bishop agreed to make the text available in electronic format (through Roberta, his secretary) so that we can post it for the CAL members only
3) Following presentation, two questions were posed to the group for consideration
a) what does the prophetic call for the liturgist mean to me personally?
b) what does this call mean for CAL?
4) small group work was followed by representative from each table [9 tables] and series of questions to Bishop Trautman, many regarding the process for the approval of translations, the recent vote of the US bishops, the design of the catechesis process for the new Missal, the availability of the draft translation for scholarship review and consultation, the secrecy of the process, the reasoning behind the change of the translation “pro multis”
5) the morning concluded with thanks to the Bishop and participants;
6) The afternoon began with the election; John Baldovin moves off the executive committee, Mary Alice Piil becomes the lead convener; Kathleen Harmon remains. Two nominees were Keith Pecklers and Mark Wedig. Keith Pecklers was elected.
7) There followed a few announcements:
a) Teresa Berger announced the availability of her new DVD on Worship in Women’s Hands, produced by FireStream media; brochures were available, and the video was to be previewed in the Feminist Liturgy study group at this meeting;
b) Larry Madden announced the launch of a comprehensive Internet source created by the Georgetown Center for Liturgy entitled EnvisionChurch;
c) Ed Foley provided a status report on the commentary on IGMR, cosponsored by CAL; all of the articles were received, initially edited, with every hope of getting the text to the Liturgical Press by January 2007.
8) Financial report by Ed Foley
9) Mary Collins was to present on issues of ecclesiology and liturgy; two weeks ago, she informed the Executive Committee that she could not attend, and suggested one of her students speak in her stead; Judith Kubicki offered some reflections on ecclesiology and liturgy, especially regarding the shifting role of the assembly as subject, and some concerns about the erosion of the role of the assembly as subject, employing insights from phenomenology.
a) There followed table discussion around issues of ecclesiology and liturgy;
b) tables reported out and against posed questions or made comments to Bishop Trautman, and Judith Kubicki
10) Then followed two actions by the body:
a) In preparation for such actions, it was agreed that votes would be taken, and a documentation of the voting numbers would be recorded;
b) The executive committee was empowered to write to the head of the Canadian and US Bishops’ Committees on the liturgy, requesting draft copies of the new translation so that CAL members might be able to study these works and be of service to the bishops as the move through the translation process. [unanimous agreement]
c) It was agreed that we would craft a timely statement
(1) regarding our concern about proposed translation [unanimous agreement]
(2) the statement would be drafted by Keith Pecklers and Mark Wedig [unanimous agreement]; Mary Alice offered to assist
(3) the draft would be submitted to the membership electronically
(4) while there was some disagreement on how the percentage of votes needed to pass this resolution, and the procedures for such, we were reminded that Richard McCarron had drafted procedures for us [later investigation revealed these to be a by-law, passed in 2005 on creating such statements and having them voted upon by the membership, and the guidelines of that by-law will be followed].
11) The body also assented to the Executive committee extending an invitation to Bishop Saratelli, the incoming chair of the BCL to be with us next year.
12) The group adjourned at 3:30.