CAL leadership
Any Catholic member of the North American Academy of Liturgy may belong to the Catholic Academy of Liturgy by stating their intention in a request to one of the members of the Executive Committee asking to be placed on the CAL mailing list.
Layla Karst is an associate professor in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University where she teaches and writes at the intersection of liturgy and ecclesiology. She is working on a book manuscript on the theology of Christian pilgrimage and the pilgrim church. Her current research also explores the ways that racism, sexism, and sexual abuse have impacted our liturgical celebrations and the function of lament in addressing these liturgical challenges. Her publications include articles in the journals Liturgy and Practical Matters and she is a regular contributor to PrayTell’s 60-second sermon series. She holds a PhD from Emory University and an MDiv from the University of Notre Dame.
Contact Layla at
Nathan Chase
Nathan P. Chase is the Assistant Professor of Liturgical & Sacramental Theology at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis. Nathan is a recent graduate from the University of Notre Dame’s liturgical studies program. He has contributed a number of articles to the field of liturgical studies, including pieces on liturgy in the early Church, inculturation, and the Western Non-Roman Rites.
Contact Nathan at
Christina Ronzio
Christina Ronzio holds a bachelor’s degree in religious studies, with a minor in church music and worship, from St. Jerome’s University, Waterloo (ON), and a master’s degree in liturgical studies from St. John’s University, Collegeville (MN). She has ministered in the US and Canada as parish liturgy director and as diocesan Director of Liturgy for the dioceses of London (ON), Cleveland (OH) and Hamilton (ON). In 2018 she was named the Director of the National Liturgy Office for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Secretary to the Episcopal Commission for Liturgy and the Sacraments.
Contact Christina at
Michael R. Prendergast has over 50 years’ experience as a musician and liturgist at the parish, cathedral, diocesan and industry levels. A native of the diocese of Helena, Montana, Michael is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Theology and Music at the University of Portland, and recently retired as the coordinator of liturgy and music at St. Andrew Parish in Portland, Oregon. He is the founder of Sacred Liturgy Ministries, a liturgical consulting firm. Michael has written on topics related to music and liturgy in Pastoral Music, Liturgical Ministry, New Theological Review, Today’s Liturgy, and Pastoral Liturgy. He is the editor and co-author of several books including Parish Liturgy Basics, Pastoral Press. He holds a master’s in theological studies from Mount Angel Seminary, St. Benedict, Oregon, and a master in liturgical studies from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota.
Contact Michael at
Clerk - Stephen WilbriCht, C.S.C.
Stephen S. Wilbricht, C.S.C. serves as the convener of the Christian Initiation Seminar of the North American Academy of Liturgy, of which he has been a member since 2011. He is an assistant professor of Religious Studies at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. Prior to beginning graduate studies in liturgy at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. in 2002, he enjoyed seven years of pastoral ministry in two parishes in the Phoenix area. His major research interests revolve around the work of the liturgical movement and issues of present-day liturgical renewal. He is the author of Rehearsing God’s Just Kingdom: The Eucharistic Vision of Mark Searle (Liturgical Press, 2013).
Contact Steve at
David Farina Turnbloom is an associate professor of theology at the University of Portland where he specializes in liturgical theology and theological ethics. David grew up in northern Minnesota as the eldest child in a family of five. He received a BA in theology from the University of St. Thomas, an MTS from Weston Jesuit School of Theology, and a PhD in systematic theology from Boston College. He is the author of Speaking of Aquinas: A Conversation About Grace, Virtue, and the Eucharist (2017) and the co-editor of Catholic Sacraments: A Rich Source of Blessings (2015). He was the recipient of a Louisville Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Theological Education and the co-winner of the Catherine Mowry LaCunga Award from the Catholic Theological Society of America in honor of the article "Tactical Ecumenism" written with Benjamin Durheim and published in Theological Studies.
Contact David at